Anniversaries at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 20 October 2020
Mansfield Care Homes staff have felt really privileged to share in the special occasions of our anniversary-celebrating residents (and relatives) during this difficult year.
Wellbeing Coordinator Gemma says Peebles Care Home celebrated the recent 63rd wedding anniversary of Mrs Audrey Stark and her husband, Andrew. “Audrey and Andrew married in South Africa on the 21st September, 1957, and enjoyed a special afternoon in the garden, reminiscing about their many happy years together.”
At Eildon House in Edinburgh, colleague Fiona says: “On 29th September, our resident, Mary, and her husband Robin celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. Robin came for a socially distant visit, and we did our best to mark the day for them. A cake was baked for Mary and the other residents to enjoy later on. I mentioned to Mary that this was her 64th wedding anniversary, and she looked surprised and said “Good gracious, really?!”
At Belleville Lodge in Edinburgh, Matron Margaret Russell says: “Mrs Jennifer Gray and her husband Jim enjoyed their 60th wedding anniversary in the garden at Belleville Lodge. Their granddaughter had made a lovely display of pictures throughout their 60 years. Jennifer is a retired Nurse and she met her husband Jim who is a doctor at the Royal Infirmary hospital where they both worked. They had a lovely time together and the weather was great for the afternoon.”
Many thanks to the staff and residents at Eildon House, Belleville Lodge and Peebles Care Home for the lovely photos.

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