Craighall hits a top spot
Posted on 28 January 2025
We are delighted and proud to announce that our Craighall Home in Edinburgh has been named by the Care Inspectorate as one of the top 10 Care Homes in Scotland in their latest review.
This cannot be achieved without the dedication and hardwork of the leadership team and staff and we offer huge congratulations to Jo Dickman and her wonderful team.
The Care Inspectorate ranks care homes on a six-point scale across five categories of wellbeing: leadership, staff, setting, care, and support. Craghall scored 5 (Very Good) across the board, highlighting the consistency of care across all focus areas. The results are created with input from residents and their wider families, so it’s a welcome reflection of the reality in any home.
Mansfield Care Group specialises in small, friendly care homes offering residents an exceptional quality of personal care and Craighall’s review reflects this on all levels.
We were pleased to see Craighall’s ‘homely feel’ noted in the report. Residents and their families were very complimentary about both the setting and our carers, citing management as approachable and accessible and staff as a whole working with compassion and good humour. The report also highlights the Craighall Team as good listeners, helping to inform residents’ choices and preferences on a daily basis; from how their support is planned, to the decoration of their personal spaces. A real testament to the bespoke service we strive to provide.
To read the CI Report and find out more about Craighall, please follow this link.
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