belleville valentine's day lounge

Colourful February at Belleville Lodge

Posted on 27 February 2022

February has been a colourful month for Belleville Lodge residents in Edinburgh, with two special events to mark Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day.

Belleville Lodge Matron Margaret Russell said the seasonal celebrations were a lovely way to brighten up February for residents and staff. “We celebrated Chinese New Year with a Chinese-themed day. The dining room was decorated with lanterns and Chinese flags and everyone enjoyed a lunch of sweet and sour chicken or beef curry with rice and noodles, followed by mint ice cream and fruit. In the afternoon, the residents enjoyed hearing interesting facts about life in China and their new year celebrations.”

Later in the month, Belleville Lodge also held its traditional Valentine’s Day celebration, with the staff and chef again serving delicious meals and treats for the residents. This time, the theme was pink instead of the lucky red of Chinese New Year. Matron Margaret said, “On 14th February we decorated our dining room with hearts and roses to celebrate the day. Everyone enjoyed a Valentine’s-themed lunch with a glass of pink bubbly, and in the afternoon we had a Valentine’s tea with homemade cakes. We learnt a lot about St Valentine too. Unfortunately he came to a sad end when it was discovered he was marrying couples in secret, which in his time was against the law!”

Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

Mansfield Care


“All of the staff at Belleville Lodge have gone out of their way to make my mother feel welcome – in fact, loved.”

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