Mansfield Care Lockdown Autumn Update
Posted on 08 September 2020
With the summer of lockdown at an end, Mansfield Care Homes CEO Andrew Hume has been reflecting on recent events and paying tribute to staff, residents and families who have helped everyone to get through these challenging times safely:
“We are very fortunate that the staff have been massively positive and have gone the extra mile to keep everyone safe. We have had no cases of COVID-19 infection so far at Mansfield Care, and think this is because we are small and bespoke, and have been able to adapt quickly and flexibly to the situation. Our staff are very well trained in the details of infection control, rights and wrongs and procedures, not just in terms of COVID but any virus. This has allowed them to create an environment where we have been able to prevent COVID infection, whether resident to resident, resident to staff or staff to staff.”
“Staff have been amazing and have come up with their own ideas of how best to deal with the situation, including staying over and finding ways to entertain residents to keep them from worrying. It hasn’t been easy for residents watching TV to see what has been happening day after day, with news of infection rates and people affected, which can put a mental strain on everyone. We have done our best to keep everyone in good spirits and it’s wonderful to see how everyone has adapted to get us all through this difficult time.”
“Now that things have opened up and we can meet visitors both externally and internally, we need to be even more cautious. It could be easy to become complacent and small mistakes could allow the virus to spread. So the next few months will be extremely important for us, residents and families. Everyone needs to remember masks, and hand washing and maintaining vigilance so that we can continue to be one of the very few care groups not to have had COVID.”
“I would like to thank the staff and families for their support for the homes and their loved ones during this time, and for helping us to navigate a successful path through the challenges of the last six months.”
Andrew Hume, CEO, Mansfield Care Homes

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