Artist-led activities at Peebles Care Home
Posted on 01 August 2022
Peebles Care Home recently hosted a series of ‘Arts in Care’ workshops from creative ageing organisation Luminate, led by artist Marcela Trsova.
The workshops combined relaxation, reflection, sounds, art and memory. Artist Marcela said: “It’s fantastic that the residents want to take part in the project. On my first visit I began by showing them some of my work, then we had a short guided ‘sound bath’ meditation, followed by a brainstorming activity and sharing.”
Themes Marcela explored with the residents included place, sound and seasons, leading on to expression through words, story sharing, songs, emotions and colours. These in turn became the inspiration for creative activities – painting and drawing on card, postcard and photographs to make ‘Joy Boxes’.
Marcela says the themes for the boxes included: happy place, dream place, joy place, imagined or real. She explains: “The place can be in the past or the present, and it can be a physical place or a point in time reflecting a life event, such as childhood or travel.”
Peebles Care Home Activity Assistant Karen Ritchie said: “Our residents have really enjoyed these workshops with Marcela. Each of the residents taking part has made a box of happy memories – A5 sized paintings, postcards and photos that are stitched together to make an actual box. The residents’ relatives have been very supportive, too. There’s really been a great response to the project!”
Arts in Care is a project developed by Luminate in collaboration with the Care Inspectorate, Creative Scotland and the Baring Foundation.
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

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