Christmas Festivities at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 06 January 2022
Christmas is such a special time and Mansfield Care Home staff do their best to make sure that everyone in their care can take part in the festivities. At Belleville Lodge and Peebles Care Home, the residents enjoyed seasonal treats, ranging from a trip to the ballet and Christmas parties to visits from both Santa and Mrs Claus!
At Belleville Lodge there was a Christmas visit from concert duo, Music For You. Matron Margaret Russell said, “Colette and Jeremy played a selection of Christmas songs which everyone joined in with.”
A number of Belleville Lodge ladies also enjoyed a visit to the ballet at Edinburgh’s Festival theatre to see seasonal favourite, The Nutcracker. As the big day approached, Belleville residents had their own Christmas party. Matron Margaret said, “As we couldn’t have entertainers this year, the staff dressed up and provided the music and singing, which was enjoyed by all our residents.”
Over at Peebles Care Home, Wellbeing Coordinator Claire pulled out all the stops to make Christmas special for the residents, “I dressed up as an elf and enlisted my mum, Alison, to come in and help as Santa, and we visited each resident together. On Christmas Eve, my mum dressed up again, this time as a Christmas Tree, with me as Mrs Claus. Everyone was full of smiles when they saw us. It was a great feeling! On Christmas Day, one of the carers dressed up as Santa to give each resident a present.”
There were plenty of other Christmas games and activities at Peebles, including reindeer ring toss and pass the parcel, as well as a Christmas raffle. Claire said, “The residents helped to draw the raffle and we raised £93 for the residents’ comfort fund.”
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

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