Coronavirus Covid-19 Update
Posted on 26 March 2020
A message for family and friends from Andrew Hume.
Dear all,
We appreciate this is an anxious time for everyone, and we wanted to update you on what we are doing at Mansfield Care Homes.
We are continuing to provide the best possible care for residents, and our priority, as always, is the wellbeing of residents and the staff who look after them.
We are following Scottish Government guidance and are respectfully asking you to do the same. We will keep you updated as the situation evolves.
Government guidance is that care home visits must stop. This means that with immediate effect, you cannot visit your relative. Instead, you are encouraged to phone or use Skype or Zoom for video connection. We have arranged more tablets for each home and if you need advice on this, please contact us.
We have stringent measures in place for staff and suppliers, and visitors will regretfully be turned away. Active residents will have to stay at home. This is to ensure we play our part in stopping the spread of the coronavirus at a critical time.
If you have any concerns, please contact the home and speak to the manager.
You will appreciate, too, that it is vital for families to continue to pay care home fees promptly and help the company to ensure continuity of staff and service.
Thank you all for your support at this challenging time, and for your cooperation in helping us to maintain the best possible care for your relative.
Best wishes,
Andrew Hume
Chief Executive Officer
Mansfield Care

For more information, call us on 0131 447 3988 or email us