Dutch Celebrations at Belleville Lodge
Posted on 12 August 2021
Belleville Lodge in Edinburgh recently celebrated their neighbours across the North Sea, with a day of Dutch-themed activities.
Anne is one of Belleville Lodge’s residents and hails originally from Holland. She especially enjoyed the focus on her home country and its culture. Care home staff raised the red, white and blue Dutch flag in the care home garden.
Belleville Lodge Matron Margaret Russell said, “When Anne saw the flag flying in the garden she started singing the Dutch national anthem in her mother tongue, which was lovely to hear. Our residents particularly enjoy our monthly themed days, where we choose a country to focus on. Many of them have travelled abroad on holiday, but in this case we chose the Netherlands for its connections with Anne. We also use objects associated with the country to help stimulate discussion and reminiscence among our residents. For Holland, we found a piece of Delft tableware and a pair of ceramic clogs, which Anne was delighted to talk about.”
With the care home dining room decorated in Dutch flags, everyone enjoyed a themed lunch of Dutch sausage and potato salad, followed by a cheese platter. In the afternoon, activities moved outdoors, rounded off with tea and homemade Danish pastries in the garden, while learning some interesting facts about Holland. A great end to a memorable day.
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

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