Ice Cream Van Visit to Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 30 June 2020
The first sign of summer made an appearance at St John’s Care Home in Melrose, with the arrival of the local ice cream van. Residents including 103-year-old Mary were thrilled to enjoy a ‘99 ice cream in their rooms, following a call from Wellness Coordinator Denise. She says the van was adapted to sell essential groceries such as tea bags during lockdown, and the van owner immediately agreed to come and visit St John’s and give residents a treat.
“The ice cream man was delighted to bring residents an ice cream after their Sunday lunch,” says Denise. “It’s been so hot and they made a nice change from ice lollies! Everyone remembered ice cream vans and the ’99 flake. There were big smiles all round and it was definitely something they’ll remember for a long time.”
Denise says small treats like this have become even more vital during lockdown, since residents are in their individual rooms and don’t have as much company as usual. “Even though everyone’s quite private, they enjoy their daily companionship and chat at lunch, and are missing that. Luckily, when the weather’s nice, we can go out into the gardens, which have plenty space for social distancing and a lovely view of the Eildons.”
Residents have also been enjoying yellow, peach and purple roses from the garden in their rooms, and “individual board games such as Labyrinth, which is good for coordination”, says Denise. “We also celebrated Father’s Day with some macaroons for tea.”
Many thanks to staff at St John’s Care Home, Melrose, for the lovely photos.

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