Into the New Year at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 24 January 2020
Mansfield Care Homes have been celebrating Hogmanay and the start of 2020 in style. Residents at Peebles Care Home had a new year festive gathering with a Scottish flavour at Hogmanay, seeing the new year in with whisky, tablet and shortbread, says Wellness Coordinator Gemma.
“We had traditional Scottish accordion music on Old Year’s Night. The residents have been intrigued by Alexa, our voice-activated speaker. She was our DJ for the night and the residents requested their favourite artists, including Jimmy Shand. We had some family visitors and everyone gathered in the main lounge, which was nice and cosy with its twinkly Christmas lights. We also enjoyed the lovely last sunset of the year over Tweed Green.”
On New Year’s Day, Robert was on chef duties and we again had family visitors in. We had a three-course lunch including steak pie, and everyone enjoyed toasting the year ahead.”
At Belleville Lodge, residents also had a Scottish-themed Hogmanay, with afternoon tea and shortbread. Residents were interested in talking about how New Year has changed over the years, explains Matron Margaret.
“We talked about how New Year in their youth was a time to go visiting neighbours and nobody locked their doors, and about the first-footing tradition of taking a piece of coal or a dram of whisky for good luck.”
For New Year’s Day itself, the dining room was decked with tartan tablecloths and the windows draped with Scottish flags for a traditional lunch of steak pie with the trimmings, followed by Scottish trifle. “We had several family members dropping by throughout the day to see their loved ones and have a glass of mulled wine, Buck’s Fizz or sherry, with some traditional black bun and shortbread”, says Margaret.
“Our residents who have dementia love listening to music, and music and familiar things mean a lot. We heard The Broons’ Hogmanay CD and some Andy Stewart favourites, and they were able to sing along to familiar tunes.”
In early January, residents Jean, Mardy and Bob also enjoyed another Scottish festive tradition with a visit to the panto at the King’s Theatre. This year’s show was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. “They really enjoyed the atmosphere and singing along to the songs”, says Margaret. “They loved the fabulous costumes and had an ice-cream at half-time.”
Up ahead at Mansfield Care in 2020
In 2020, Peebles residents are looking forward to visits by artist Marcela Trsova, who will be running sessions using the creative arts to improve wellbeing. Peebles is one of 30 care homes in Scotland to be selected for the opportunity, which is part of the Luminate Arts in Care Project developed in collaboration with the Care Inspectorate, Creative Scotland and the Baring Foundation.
Several Mansfield care homes will also be celebrating Burns’ Night and Chinese New Year, as well as welcoming visitors from Music in Hospitals.
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

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