Peebles Care Home residents enjoy outdoor fun and sun
Posted on 21 July 2024
Mansfield Care Home residents enjoy getting outdoors when the sun shines. At Peebles Care Home, activity coordinator Karen Ritchie recently organised two special events in the care home garden. “Getting out in the garden means our residents feel the beneficial effects of sunshine and fresh air,” says Karen. “Sometimes members of the local community stop by for a chat too.”
Once a fortnight residents enjoy some friendly dog therapy with Simba the labradoodle when she comes to visit with her owner Eilidh. “Residents really enjoy these visits,” says Karen. “It brings back memories of their own pets.” Time spent with Simba has lots of sensory benefits too, as well as being a great source of conversation between the residents.
Sitting in the garden under a warm sun, drink in hand, is many people’s idea of bliss. Residents of Peebles Care Home are no different and Karen took advantage of recent good weather to organise a mocktail afternoon. “Fruit juices and lemonade make great mocktails – orange Sunrise Refreshers and red Volcano Coolers were very popular!”
Thank you to Mansfield Care staff for the lovely photos.

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