Pipers Galore as Mansfield Care Homes celebrate Rabbie Burns
Posted on 10 January 2021
The skirl of the bagpipes helped to chase away winter at this year’s Burns Night celebrations at Mansfield Care Homes. The festivities went ahead with distance covid restrictions in place, thanks not least to some star musical visitors!
Eildon House saw neighbour and piper Joan Reid visit on Rabbie’s birthday on 25th January and play her bagpipes for half an hour outside for residents to enjoy. Wellbeing Coordinator Fiona says: “It was such a thoughtful gesture, and the residents were thrilled to hear the likes of Flower of Scotland and The Skye Boat Song, along with a number of other Scottish tunes. The residents were still talking about how much they enjoyed this way into the evening. Our chef produced the traditional Burns lunch and then a delicious buffet in the afternoon.”
Residents in Melrose were delighted by a visit from Donald, the piper from Melrose Pipe Band. Wellness Coordinator Denise says, “Burns Day, albeit in lockdown style, was a treat, as the piper came to play in the garden. He walked from the farthest room (outside) into the courtyard and round to the front, to allow all our residents to see and hear him, so they could still have their piper visit, as is traditional at St John’s. Such a treat, and the chef’s traditional haggis went down well, too!”
January was a hive of activity at St John’s, beginning in style with singing Auld Lang Syne in the dining room, along with a traditional lunch of steak pie. Denise says, “Residents have been busy organizing puzzles, games and downloading movies on our Amazon Fire Tablets. Our residents are very in touch with their families via video calls, which they’re all enjoying.”
“We have had a day or two where we have been able to have a short time out in the garden and then the snow arrived, covering the Eildons. Our residents enjoy the snow from inside, and it’s a wonderful topic for discussion.”
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff and the fantastic pipers for the lovely photos.

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