Rabbie Burns celebration lights up January at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 09 February 2024
On 25 January, Peebles Care Home‘s residents joined the annual worldwide celebration of Robert Burns’ life and work with an afternoon of guid Scots fare, music, song and dance.
“Celebrating Rabbie Burns in the care home is important because of the cultural connection. For the residents it brings back memories of Burns’ poetry, and reading his poems with their grandchildren.” says Karen Ritchie, Peebles Care Home activity coordinator.
The celebration began with invited guest Paul Taylor addressing the haggis before everyone recited the Selkirk Grace led by Aileen Borthwick. The lunch of lentil soup, haggis/mince, neeps and tatties was rounded off with a traditional cranachan dessert, all prepared by Peebles Care Home’s own chef, May.
Following lunch, invited guest Andrew Henthorn gave the Immortal Memory, while Jim and Aileen Borthwick toasted the lasses and gave their reply respectively. Activity coordinator Karen then led everyone in a rousing rendition of Burns’ best-known song, ‘Auld Lang Syne’.
After a break the celebrations continued with a singalong to Scots tunes played on the accordion by Alan Hunter, including one of Robert Burns’ best-loved pieces, ‘Ae Fond Kiss’. Local school student Isaac Cassidy from Peebles Ex-Servicemen’s Pipe Band followed up with a number of popular Scottish pipe tunes. Highlight of the day for many residents was Holly and Darcy’s display of Highland dancing. Peebles Care Home activity coordinator Karen Ritchie said: “The residents absolutely love it when youngsters come to visit, and they especially enjoyed seeing the girls perform their Highland dancing”.
Thank you to Mansfield Care staff for the lovely photos.

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