Pine Villa Rainbows

Rainbows from Mansfield Care Homes

Posted on 16 March 2020

Residents and staff at Mansfield Care Homes have been adapting to the new situation and staff are doing an amazing job. Pine Villa Home Manager Denise speaks for all when she says “everyone has been so brilliant and supportive, and we couldn’t do it without them”. The care home communities have found new ways to keep busy and connect with families, during the national lockdown to keep everyone safe and well.

“We saw the cheerful rainbows on people’s windows and residents wanted to get involved,” says Denise, “so we put the tables together and spent an afternoon drawing. We sang “Red and yellow and pink and green” and even George, our chef, got involved. It was lovely to see the concentration on the residents’ faces and when we put them in the window, the neighbours came out and gave us a wave.”

Denise says a young local couple who just got married also surprised Pine Villa residents with a special package. “They wanted to say hello and donated a lovely chocolate cake, with photos of their wedding and cat and dog. It was a lovely kind gesture, really cheered us up and a great talking point for the residents.”

Pine Villa residents have also been helping residents to stay in touch with family, even though the care home is currently closed to visitors. “One resident had a surprise visit from her family, two daughters, grandson and granddaughter”, says Denise. “She came into the lounge and they were there in the front garden in the sunshine. It was very emotional but they were able to wave to each other and say hello. Other ways of keeping cheery include carer Dolly’s joke of the day and online singalongs with our regular entertainer, Sarah Lang. She often sings at the Edinburgh Fringe and has set up a Facebook page so we can listen on the laptop and sing along with favourite songs, including Doris Day”.

Residents at Peebles Care Home are also doing their best to keep a cheerful outlook despite the challenging times, and enjoying finding new ways to stay connected to the local community as much as possible, says Wellness Coordinator Gemma.

“Peebles townsfolk have been sending letters and emails to our home, so that we can all read them together over a cup of tea. Many of the letters feature reminiscence stories about days gone by, providing great topics for conversation. We have also appreciated the videos we have been sent to help us enjoy “a Spring Walk” – virtual strolls along the riverside, where the sound of birdsong and happy dogs has helped us all to feel calm and uplifted.”

Peebles residents have also been following the Rainbow Trail campaign on social media and taking part. “It has been an enjoyable task for those who wanted to participate,” says Gemma. “Together we feel it helps us to remain part of all that’s going on in the wider world, at a time when our social lives have become so much smaller.”

“We are certainly very appreciative of our serene view over the Tweed Green,” she says. “The daffodils are already flourishing, and soon the annual pink blossom will be in full bloom on the trees. Video calls have kept residents connected with loved ones and with the help of some new smart facilities, we look forward to exploring the National Parks in America, taking a day trip to the Zoo and strolling the Great Wall of China.”

Many thanks to staff at Galahill House, Peebles Care Home, Pine Villa and St John’s Care Home for the lovely photos. Some were taken in March before changes in official guidance.  

Mansfield Care


“The food is excellent!”

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