RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch – Citizen Science
Posted on 05 February 2020
Thousands of bird lovers around the UK have been taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, including our resident Vera at Galahill House in Galashiels.
The RSPB Birdwatch is the world’s largest wildlife survey and is open to anyone who is interested in birds and has a feeder and outdoor spot close to hand where they can count the birdlife.
Vera took part from the comfort of the Galahill lounge, and counted lively activity by several well-loved garden species, including robin, chaffinch, blue tit and blackbird. The feeder is kept well topped up with peanuts and the visiting birds provide great entertainment and interest for our residents.
Everyone taking part in the survey sends in their bird counts, which are collated by the RSPB scientists, as part of a major UK-wide citizen science project.
Vera was one of half a million people in the UK who took part, and almost seven million birds were recorded during the survey. The top national favourite was the house sparrow. We look forward to seeing the final results in April!
Many thanks to Galahill staff for the lovely photo.

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