Summer and autumn out and about at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 15 September 2019
Summer into autumn brought amazing weather, and Mansfield Care Home residents made the most of it with lots of activities and outings.
Eildon House ladies had a few trips to Botanic Gardens, although the weather was a bit too hot for much of the month, and residents often had to sit in the shade. Janie and Margaret enjoyed their visit and chatting about the plants, with a refreshing cool drink in the café before returning to the house.
Like the other care homes, Eildon also held a hugely successful and enjoyable Summer Party. We were delighted that many family members and friends joined in, and everyone sang along to popular songs provided by singer Sarah Laing. The chef, George, provided a spectacular buffet which was hugely appreciated.
Comments from our residents included: ‘Nice music – I love Elvis and I enjoyed the cake!’. ‘Oh, I enjoyed it all, family came, we enjoyed the music and everything went very well’; ‘Lots of nice people at the party, and I thought the music was excellent’.
Asked about the buffet, one resident said: ‘Oh, I ate far too much, but it was good!’
Another summer highlight was a visit to the National Museum.
Belleville Lodge residents meanwhile enjoyed a trip to the Salisbury Arms, their local bar and bistro. The weather was lovely, so everyone enjoyed sitting outside with drinks and nibbles and watching the walkers go up Arthur’s Seat.
There were quite a few warm days in September, so residents made good use of the garden to enjoy the fresh air over a cup of tea.
Thanks to Mansfield Care staff for the lovely pictures.

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