Sun shines for Queen’s Jubilee celebrations at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 10 July 2022
Mansfield Care Homes’ staff, residents and their families recently celebrated HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. In Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders, Belleville Lodge and Peebles Care Home respectively held outdoor gatherings. with residents and their families enjoying food, fun and music under sunny skies.
Belleville Lodge Matron, Margaret Russell said: “We had a lovely garden party in the grounds for the Jubilee celebrations. Our residents and their families enjoyed traditional British food favourites, including fish and chips and strawberry tarts! One of our Belleville Lodge staff members Chrissie and her husband Gerry kindly donated a fantastic Jubilee cake and everyone enjoyed a slice. Our ladies decorated their own hats with red, white and blue for the occasion.”
Peebles Care Home was decorated with bunting, staff wore tiaras and a number of residents brought along their own hand-made Jubilee-themed cushions. There was music from local accordionist Alan Hunter as well as tunes from four members of Peebles Silver Band, all of which was enjoyed by residents, their friends and relatives. With mocktails and nibbles, cupcakes and Union flag-themed sandwiches, it was a day to remember. Activity Assistant Karen Ritchie said: “Everyone loved being out in the sunshine with the live music playing. It was a chance for the residents and their visitors to really enjoy themselves and share a happy event. Many of the residents remembered previous Jubilee celebrations and for this one, we also watched the televised coverage. The photos that we took on the day are now pinned up in the care home for everyone to see.”
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

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