Sunshine and smiles for Pine Villa’s Big Garden Party
Posted on 06 September 2024
Fortune shone on Pine Villa for this summer’s big event with residents, family, friends and staff enjoying glorious sunny weather for the annual garden party.
This year’s gathering had a Scottish theme with saltires and tartan decorations all around the garden. Pine Villa regular Allan Weatherhead entertained everyone with popular Scots songs and music whilst Pine Villa’s in-house chef provided a delicious menu with plenty of Scottish food favourites, from stovies and mackerel pate to strawberry tarts and marshmallow tea cakes.
“Our garden party’s a big event with over 70 attendees and we were so lucky to hold it on one of the best days of the whole summer,” says Pine Villa Care Home manager Margaret Russell. “The day was carefully planned at our residents’ meetings and there was much anticipation, with residents handing out invitations to their guests. The garden party’s also a nice chance for residents’ relatives to meet one another.”
A measure of the success of this year’s event was the number of thank you letters sent in by residents’ relatives. “Everyone had such a lovely afternoon.” says Margaret. “Our residents were talking about it for days afterwards and for the staff too – they love seeing the residents enjoying themselves and being together with friends and family.”
Thank you to Mansfield Care staff for the lovely photos.

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