Wellbeing and staying social at Mansfield Care
Posted on 03 October 2020
Each Mansfield Care home has a Wellbeing Coordinator responsible for supporting residents with activities, whether arranged activities for everyone as a group, or individual interests and hobbies.
Wellbeing Coordinator Fiona at Eildon House in Edinburgh, says the game of Quirkle has proved a great favourite with residents. “It’s similar to dominoes, but using cubes, and with different shapes and colours. It’s a good opportunity for a group of residents to work on their decision-making skills, and good for concentration.”
“One of our ladies, Jane, was delighted to look around and realise she had fewer cubes than other players, and declared herself the winner! She said, “this is a good game!”” Although lockdown has meant adapting for some hands-on activities, sensory, focus and hand-eye coordination activities are important because they’re empowering, engaging and fun for residents.
“We observe social distancing, of course, and residents have responded well to table-top games and activities, including decoupage.”
Meanwhile at Galahill House in Galashiels, Wellbeing Coordinator Tracy and the staff have been supporting residents with a range of summer outdoor and indoor activities.
She says: “We are lucky to have a stunning garden, and have been encouraging people to get outside whenever possible in the warmer weather. The fresh air is good for everyone’s spirits and increases appetite. It’s really important that residents take part in physical activity, and it’s part of CAPA – the Care Inspectorate’s Care about Physical Activity programme.” Husband and wife Roy and Jean love the garden, and have been out enjoying the flowers and the occasional squirrel sightings.
The staff have also found ways to work round some of the social limitations of Covid, says Tracy. “Delphine had her 90th birthday in the summer. She really loves her birthday but it wasn’t possible to meet up physically with her family. So we decorated her room and she had an outdoor visit from her sister, Clare and brother-in-law Roger, and a birthday cake, of course! We also contacted her sister in America via social media and her school friend in Spain. Her grand-daughter and I were go-betweens and we arranged a face-to-face call on What’s App, which Delphine really enjoyed.”
Board games and activities such as reminiscence have also been adapted to the current situation, Tracy explains. “The residents have personalised activity boxes, which are exclusive to them and their interests, and no one else touches them.” Tracy says extra efforts by all staff have been vital to help ease the current social limitations. “Supporting their wellbeing is more important than ever, at a time when they miss contact with family, friends and other residents. We can never be a substitute for their family and friends, but we can provide crucial daily social contact. We love being able to make a difference.”
Many thanks to the staff at Galahill House, Galashiels, and Eildon House, Edinburgh, for the lovely photos.

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