Burns Night at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 30 January 2020
Many of the Mansfield Care Homes residents enjoy Burns Night and have been holding traditional Scottish celebrations in January.
Eildon House welcomed singer Sarah Laing for a return visit to celebrate Burns Day. Wellbeing Coordinator Fiona says the residents really enjoy Sarah’s visits, and thevariety of songs she performs. “The continuity and familiarity is important,” she says, “and Sarah includes and encourages the residents to participate and sing along.””
St John’s residents were visited by Donald the piper from Melrose Pipe Band, much to everyone’s delight. Wellbeing Coordinator Denise says, “Donald piped in the haggis and Dion, one of our carers, read Burns’ Address to a Haggis. We also had a wee concert of Scottish music from Bill the accordionist. The residents interviewed them about their tartans and didn’t want to let them go. Burns Night always brings up memories, as most people had haggis when they were younger. This year, the chef made cranachan dessert by special request.”
Pipes and poems were also heard at Belleville Lodge, says Matron Margaret Russell. “We celebrated Burns Day with a traditional meal of haggis, neeps and tatties. One of our carers, Robert piped in the haggis in his full Highland Dress and everyone enjoyed hearing him playing the bagpipes.”
“In the afternoon, a group of our residents enjoyed a Scottish afternoon tea and Burns poetry reading. Mardie, one of our residents enjoyed reciting Tae a Moose. Another of our residents, Jean Cameron, also recited some Burns poems. She said her father was a great Burns fan, and she enjoyed listening to him reciting Burns poems when she was young.
“Everyone who attended the tea had also visited Burns cottage in Ayrshire, and it was great to hear them talk about their visits there. We also discovered some interesting facts about Burns and his life from the internet.”
Belhaven House residents enjoyed dancing and movement to Scottish music and there was more foot-tapping at Peebles Care Home and Galahill House. “We welcomed our good friend, Claire Garnett, for an afternoon of singing along to classic Burns songs on the Scottish accordion,” says Peebles Wellbeing Coordinator Gemma. “Claire is founder of the Peebles Orchestra and was awarded an MBE by the Queen in 2017 for services to music in the community, mainly in recognition for her work with people with disability and dementia.”
The future of Scottish culture is in great hands, says Gemma. ”As well as traditional Scottish food and entertainment, we also had a treat from Richard F Mackay’s grandson, who kindly piped in the haggis for us. Richard and I delivered The Selkirk Grace and Address to a Haggis respectively. For dessert, we enjoyed chef Robert’s cranachan and a wee tipple of wine!”
Many thanks to Mansfield Care Homes staff for the lovely photos.

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