Christmas at Mansfield Care Homes
Posted on 31 December 2019
Christmas Day was busy at Mansfield Care Homes, with residents, staff, friends and family gathering for festive celebrations.
Gemma at Peebles Care Home says: “Our Christmas Day was truly magical, and we were delighted to include so many relatives in our festivities. Residents started the day with a glass of bucks fizz and a special gift-giving ceremony conducted by Mrs Claus, and several purple-clad reindeer who expertly pulled a laden sleigh full of presents! We chose colours of red, gold and cream with a dash of dazzling sequins for our Christmas Day banquet, and thoroughly enjoyed a leisurely four-course lunch of festive fare. It was wonderful to see so many residents joined by loved ones for this very special occasion!”
At Belleville Lodge Christmas Party, residents enjoyed a visit from Santa, played by resident Bob Smith. Matron Margaret says that he has done this for the last few years, “and he so looks forward to it. He talks about it for weeks afterwards and we always give him a photo of him dressed up each year, to keep in a frame in his bedroom.”
Belleville residents also had a lovely Christmas concert “with music provided by Colin and Gina from Music in Hospitals, with Colin singing Christmas songs, accompanied by Gina on keyboard, and some of the residents joining in. This was followed by a buffet afternoon tea with a glass of sparkling wine.”
See below for a flavour of Mansfield Christmas celebrations, including Belhaven House, St John’s and Galahill House.
Many thanks to Mansfield Care staff and residents for the lovely photos.

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